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School Lunches

Lunchtimes at Sandfield Close Primary School 

All of our meals are cooked on the premises by Aimee and her team.   

At lunchtime children may bring a packed lunch from home or eat a school meal. Children should take the same option Monday to Friday and for at least half a term. This helps make lunchtimes run smoothly for everyone. If you wish to change your child’s lunchtime arrangements please visit the school office. 

If children stay for a school meal or have a packed lunch they must stay on the school premises and not leave the school site during lunchtime. 

Dinner Money 

For those children who pay for lunch, dinner money for the week is to be paid at least 1 week in advance via Parentmail. School meals cost £2.90 per day or £14.50 per week.  

Parents who are in the process of applying for Free School Meals will have to pay for their child’s meals until the school receives a voucher from Leicester City Council.  Free School meal application forms are available from the school office. 

Packed Lunch 

Children, whose parents choose to provide packed lunches eat in the dining hall or outside in the summer term. 


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